James ‘JW’ Paine
CA State Assembly District 29

  • Dear Friend,

    I am participating in the Save our State Walk & Rally, a grass roots effort to help Republican candidates raise money so they can win in November! The candidate I am raising money for is James ‘JW’ Paine for CA State Assembly District 29.

    Out of control crime, outrageous gas prices, homelessness, high food costs, sky high taxes, are just a few of the issues that Californians are faced with. If you are tired of the direction we’re going in, please join our fundraising effort. Donate to help a common-sense candidate get elected. It’s time to stop the downward spiral caused by liberal and progressive policies.

    Take Action To Save Our State!

A Message from JW:

I was born and raised in California’s central Valley area. My passion for politics stems from being a member of my daughter’s Parent Teacher Organization. My goal is to focus on helping homeless individuals get better access to hand up not just handouts, restoring parent teacher partnerships within our classrooms, and refocusing education on the important, indisputable basics like math, science, literature and history. I also have a goal of ensuring our gas taxes go towards improving our roads.

If you choose to support me, you’re choosing to support a man who promises not to give up until the job gets done.


You are invited to meet the candidates and network with fellow conservatives at the


  • Date and Location

    • Saturday, July 20, 9-12PM

    • Lake Cunningham Park
      Cypress Pavilion Area
      2305 S. White Rd.
      San Jose, CA 95148

  • Schedule

    • 8:30 am - Check in begins, participants pick up snacks and water

    • 9:00 am - Welcome, invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem

    • 9:15 am - Walk begins

    • 10:30 am - Candidate speeches begin

    • 11:00 am - Refreshments served

    • 11:30 am - Closing remarks, event ends

  • Need more info?

    For more information, contact:

    Carol Pefley

    C: 650-714-3680

    E: soswalkandrally@gmail.com


Liz Lawler, CA State Assembly District 28


Alex Glew, CA State Senate District 13